The lismore clinic
Pregnancy Care
The independent practitioners offer support at the planning stages of conception, throughout your pregnancy and post natal care.
Planning pregnancy
Book an appointment with your doctor to discuss preconception bloods, pregnancy planning and remember to start your pregnancy vitamins early.
Early pregnancy
Visiting your GP is essential to
organise routine bloods, dating scans, screening bloods and scans and to discuss your delivery options.
Shared antenatal care
Your GP can offer shared ante-natal care as an option during your pregnancy to maintain continuity. Other options are to be seen in the midwife group programme, the normal midwife programme or consider a private delivery at home or in hospital.
Emotional Wellbeing
Both antenatally and post natally
can be difficult times. Becoming a parent is a huge change in your life. If you feel your mood is low or your anxiety is escalating book in for an appointment to explore this in a supportive environment. Your GP can help you with counselling, medication or accessing psychology care.
Post partum check ups
Post partum check ups are usually done at 6 weeks often on the same day as your baby is booked for a 6 week check. Of course this can be sooner if you have concerns.
Mental health, post delivery issues, debriefing after birth and family planning are among many of the issues you can explore with your GP.

Pregnancy Care
Every pregnancy is unique and precious. Your GP is an important part of your team supporting your journey from conception, your pregnancy and the post partum period and beyond.
Your doctor works toward a healthy pregnancy and a positive outcome for both mother and the baby.